Angel Gabriel Kakama


Birthday: 3 – Feb – 2015

Gabriel is from Western Uganda. His mother was chased out of her paternal home when she became pregnant and was later abandoned by the man responsible for the pregnancy. His mother has worked tirelessly, tried out several businesses to make ends meet that include; hawking food around Kampala town, working as a housemaid in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and hawking bananas that haven’t yielded much because the income earned was so little for them to barely survive on.

She sought shelter at Jesus Christ Worship Center, Nateete in Central Uganda because they were homeless. Go 2 School Initiative Uganda identified Gabriel and has supported him by providing him with an education. He and His mother are very grateful for this opportunity. He enjoys playing with toys and watching television.

Thank you for your financial support which enables Go 2 School Initiative to provide a sound start in life for children like Gabriel.